
瑞士决定禁止常规乳房X光检查(mammography screening)

瑞士决定禁止常规乳房X光检查(mammography screening)引发了广泛的讨论和争议。该决定基于对乳房X光检查相关风险和收益的担忧,特别是过度诊断和假阳性问题,这可能导致不必要的治疗和相关的压力。 ### 决定的关键点 1. **对假阳性和过度诊断的担忧**: - 乳房X光检查可能导致假阳性,导致不必要的治疗和患者的情绪困扰。 - 过度诊断指的是检测出不会造成伤害的癌症,如果不进行治疗,可能会导致不必要的干预。 2. **公众和医学界的反应**: - 该决定引起了不同的反应。一些个人和医学专业人士支持禁令,引用了过度诊断的个人经历,而另一些人则担心可能会错过早期乳腺癌的检测。 3. **替代筛查方法**: - 瑞士现在推广超声波和MRI等替代筛查方法,这些方法不具有乳房X光检查的相同风险。 4. **全球视角**: - 尽管瑞士的决定,乳房X光检查仍然是许多国家乳腺癌筛查的标准。该决定引发了全球对乳房X光检查有效性和安全性的讨论。 ### 矛盾的信息 然而,值得注意的是,关于瑞士乳房X光检查的状态存在矛盾的报道。一些消息来源称乳房X光检查并未被禁止,而是存在关于其暂停的误解和无根据的说法。瑞士联邦公共卫生办公室和瑞士癌症联盟确认,乳房X光检查服务在该国仍在提供。 ### 对乳腺癌死亡率的影响 研究表明,瑞士和其他发达国家的乳腺癌死亡率显著下降,部分原因是治疗和意识的进步,以及乳房X光检查筛查项目的引入。然而,乳房X光检查对这一下降的确切贡献存在争议,一些研究表明筛查的益处可能没有想象中那么显著。 ### 结论 瑞士决定禁止常规乳房X光检查是一个复杂且多方面的问题。虽然该决定旨在解决过度诊断和假阳性相关的风险,但也引发了对可能错过早期乳腺癌检测的担忧。全球医学界继续讨论乳房X光检查的有效性和安全性,并探索替代筛查方法。 Switzerland's decision to ban routine mammography screenings has sparked significant debate and controversy. The decision was based on concerns about the risks and benefits associated with mammograms, particularly the issues of over-diagnosis and false positives, which can lead to unnecessary treatments and associated stress[1]. ### Key Points from the Decision 1. **Concerns Over False Positives and Over-Diagnosis**: - Mammograms can lead to false positives, resulting in unnecessary treatments and emotional distress for patients[1]. - Over-diagnosis refers to the detection of cancers that would not have caused harm if left untreated, leading to potentially unnecessary interventions[4]. 2. **Public and Medical Community Reactions**: - The decision has received mixed reactions. Some individuals and medical professionals support the ban, citing personal experiences with over-diagnosis, while others are concerned about the potential for missed early detections of breast cancer[1]. 3. **Alternative Screening Methods**: - Switzerland is now promoting alternative screening methods such as ultrasound and MRI, which do not carry the same risks as mammograms[1]. 4. **Global Perspective**: - Despite Switzerland's decision, mammograms remain the standard for breast cancer screening in many countries. The decision has prompted a global debate on the efficacy and safety of mammograms[1]. ### Contradictory Information However, it is important to note that there are conflicting reports about the status of mammography in Switzerland. Some sources claim that mammography has not been banned but rather that there are misconceptions and unfounded claims about its suspension[2]. The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health and the Swiss Cancer League have confirmed that mammography services continue to be offered in the country[2]. ### Impact on Breast Cancer Mortality Studies have shown that breast cancer mortality has declined significantly in Switzerland and other developed countries, partly due to advances in treatment and awareness, as well as the introduction of mammography screening programs[3]. However, the exact contribution of mammography to this decline is debated, with some studies suggesting that the benefits of screening may not be as significant as once thought[3][4]. ### Conclusion Switzerland's decision to ban routine mammography screenings is a complex and multifaceted issue. While the decision aims to address the risks associated with over-diagnosis and false positives, it has also raised concerns about the potential for missed early detections of breast cancer. The global medical community continues to debate the efficacy and safety of mammograms, and alternative screening methods are being explored. Citations: [1] https://prolifehc.com/post/Switzerland039s-Controversial-Decision-Banning-Mammograms [2] https://www.yahoo.com/news/mammography-not-banned-switzerland-suspended-210826295.html [3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5857683/ [4] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4582264/ [5] https://www.womenshealthnetwork.com/breast-health/mammograms/




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