
美南時事通: 银行爆雷 财富安全受关注/ BBC 纪录片揭示诈骗杀猪盘




  目前美国华人大量的受骗事件让人感到很气愤,人们需要提高警惕。  1) 不要接听不认识的电话 2)不要相信网上认识的人的财务投资建议,包括买保险,股票,及比特币 3) 不要随便点击链接 4) 不要转钱给陌生人 5)不要跟陌生人谈钱,投资 6)天下没有免费的午餐,坚决去除快速致富和赚便易的想法 美國聯邦貿易委員會( FTC )的建议: https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/what-do-if-you-were-scammed 相关新闻: 婚姻咨询师被网络相亲对象诈骗$50,000 https://www.insider.com/dating-coach-meets-man-on-app-who-tried-to-scam-her-out-of-50000-2022-7?utm_source=copy-link&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=topbar 被骗进程: 1) 短时间内,展示丰厚的账面收入 2) 主动邀请你和他一起投资数字货币 3)但是他/她 据绝见面 "He refused to meet me in person but wanted to act like a boyfriend and expected me to trust him as a girlfriend would," said Rose.  4) 帮你转钱的过程中,他就消失了,你的钱也没了 硅谷华人被骗经历 这位化名CY的华人说,自己被骗的过程从2021年10月份开始,当时一位被他认为是自己以前的同事的华人在WhatsApp上接近他。CY说当时因为面临病危的父亲,自己非常脆弱。这位自称叫Jessica的“前女同事”赢得了他的信任。 CY描述,Jessica当时每天给他发信息,持续了一个月。在了解到他垂死的父亲之后,她为他提供了一个使用加密货币的机会(Cryptocurrency),以帮助他支付丧葬费用。CY当时没有告诉他的家人。 CY说他有金融和财会的背景,所以自己非常小心,一开始只是投资了5000块和10000块去看看这个加密货币机会是如何运作的。 CY从他的银行里把钱转到一个合法的加密交易网站。这些钱最终到了一个Jessica发给他的平台,以进行交易。Jessica发给他...


旧金山华裔女程序员横尸家中,男友首次出庭被控谋杀。 San Francisco prosecutors announced Monday they had charged a 29-year-old man with stabbing his girlfriend to death in their Presidio Heights apartment — an alleged act of domestic violence that jolted the city and stunned residents of a quiet, affluent neighborhood. Scott Fisher was arrested last week on suspicion of murdering Kimberly Wong, a 27-year-old tech worker who was found dead in her home in late November.  In charging documents, prosecutors allege he used a knife to carry out the attack. 一名27岁的华裔女程序员于11月底被发现死于旧金山普雷西迪奥高地( Presidio Heights )的住宅内。一周后,她的男友因涉嫌谋杀被捕,并于12月11日下午首次短暂出庭。 这个男友将会面临26年的监禁。  Scott Fisher was arrested on Thursday afternoon in Concord.  Friends and family members of Wong gathered Monday afternoon at the San Francisco Hall of Justice, where Fisher was set to make his first court appearance. He stared straight ahead and answered perfunctory questions during a brief hearing. His arraignment was postponed until Friday...